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Overall responsibilities of UUFSC Officers
Corporate Trustees (not part of Executive Board):
Responsibilities shared by all Corporate Trustees
“Official body of the Fellowship in all corporate matters” per Bylaws. This applies to the NJ State requirements for maintaining UUFSC’s corporate status.
Nominate individuals to serve on the Executive Board (for elections as described in the bylaws)
Responsibilities of individual Corporate Trustees
The senior Corporate Trustee will file the annual NJ State renewal form reporting the names and addresses of newly elected officers
One Corporate Trustee will be appointed at the beginning of each year to serve as Archivist. The Archivist will have overall responsibility for the UUFSC record files including the responsibility for seeing that documents from the current year, such as the Quest, Executive Board minutes and the Treasurer’s year end budget spread sheets are saved.
Note: Many Corporate Trustees have volunteered for additional responsibilities/committees, but these are personal choices, not part of their responsibilities as a Corporate Trustee.
Executive Board Members (Officers & Executive Trustees)
“The Executive Board shall have general charge of the property of the Fellowship and the conduct of its noncorporate business affairs and the control of its administration, including the appointment of such committees as it may deem necessary.” per Bylaws.
Attend monthly UUFSC Board meetings and vote on issues.
Act as Board Liaison person for UUFSC Committees as assigned.
Hold annual business meeting (April – elections to the Board)
Submit annual budget to membership for approval in May.
Hold special business meetings as necessary.
Specific responsibilities of Individual UUFSC Executive Board positions
This list is meant to define the responsibilities of each Board position. Many Officers have volunteered for additional responsibilities, but these are personal choices, not part of the responsibilities of their Executive Board positions.
Since the bylaws define very few responsibilities, this is based on what is currently being done by the incumbents and on Board discussions/agreements.
Board members can delegate some of their tasks to others, but they retain the ultimate responsibility to ensure that the tasks are completed.
All the responsibilities listed on page 1 under “Executive Board Members.”
Primary area of responsibility #1: Overall Planning and Coordination and Follow up (Key Task #3a)
Provide leadership to the Board in identifying/focusing on strategic priorities.
Provide leadership to the Board in identifying opportunities for improvement in the Board’s operation and in the overall Fellowship.
Coordinate activities of Board members/Corporate Trustees/Committees.
Monitor/Update the Board calendar.
Organize and run monthly Board meetings.
Track outstanding action items to ensure completion.
Manage contracts/evaluations/support for UUFSC staff (Minister, RE Director).
Primary area of responsibility #2: Increase interest in our fellowship/attract new members (Key Task 2a)
Board Liaison for Publicity and Membership activities
Other responsibilities:
Introduce all Sunday services or arrange for another Officer to do it.
Ensure Duty Roster is complete.
Initiate (or delegate) snow cancellation procedure.
All the responsibilities listed on page 1 under “Executive Board Members.”
Primary area of responsibility #1: Denominational Affairs/Relationship with Broader UU Organization (Key Task #2b)
Board liaison for Denominational Affairs Committee
Manage contacts with UUA and UU/Metro: e.g. file annual certification, register own email address with UU to receive UU materials and distribute as necessary, submit UUA member list to UUA for UU World subscriptions (annual update and interim submission of new members).
Primary area of responsibility #2: Building Maintenance/Upgrades (Key Task #3c)
Ensure all building maintenance items on the annual calendar are completed, either personally or by delegation to the building maintenance manager and/or others as appropriate.
Manage or delegate contracts with cleaning contractors: define requirements, negotiate price. (Treasurer handles payments)
Manage rentals: respond to rental inquiries, obtain Board approval, ensure renters have appropriate insurance, draw up rental agreements, etc.
Board liaison for building maintenance manager (who is responsible for the maintenance/repair of the building and grounds, but not for inspections, rentals, or contracts with cleaning contractors).
Board liaison for Fellowship Building Aesthetics Committee
Other responsibilities:
Stand in for the President as necessary (introducing/facilitating services, running Board meetings, snow cancellation).
All the responsibilities listed on page 1 under “Executive Board Members.”
Primary area of responsibility #1: Maintain records/correspondence (Key Task #3d)
Record/distribute/revise Board meeting minutes.
Handle any delegated UUFSC correspondence.
Work with the designated Corporate Trustee on maintaining the UUFSC archives (including a complete file of Board minutes with all relevant attachments/reports)
Review/distribute incoming mail. (Note: this can be delegated to someone else, but the Secretary is responsible for ensuring that it is done.)
Access UUFSC answering machine daily and arrange for calls in response to callers’ requests. . (Note: this can be delegated to someone else, but the Secretary is responsible for ensuring that it is done.)
Ensure that the UUFSC Mailing list is current and is distributed at least annually to fellowship members/friends. (Note: this can be delegated to someone else, but the Secretary is responsible for ensuring that it is done.)
Primary area of responsibility #2: Annual Pledge drive (Key Task #3b)
Board liaison for Pledge Committee
All the responsibilities listed on page 1 under “Executive Board Members.”
Primary area of responsibility: Fundraising and Long-term Financial Planning and Management
Member and Board liaison for the Endowment Committee and Finance Committee.
Act as financial fiduciary for UUFSC.
Work with the Finance Committee to prepare the annual budget for Board approval.
Track/process income (weekly donations, pledge payments, and fundraising e.g. Spring Fling) and expenditures.
Prepare monthly Treasurer’s report for Board.
Ensure archives contain annual budget and year-end summary of income and expenses.
Monitor submission of pledges with Pledge Committee and maintain pledge records.
Maintain current list of active UUFSC members.
Pay UUA and UU Metro dues.
Alert Board to any financial problems.
Act as liaison with banks/financial institutions and maintain up-to-date records (e.g. signature cards).
Maintain up-to-date insurance policies.
Prepare necessary tax forms (e.g. 1099 for Minister/RE Director, annual reports for members of their pledge payments, letters acknowledging non-cash contributions when requested).
Maintain supply of NJ Exempt Organization Certificate Forms (ST-5) and provide signed copies to vendors as needed.
Executive Trustees #1
All the responsibilities listed on page 1 under “Executive Board Members.”
Primary area of responsibility: Programs/Services (Key Task #1a)
Board liaison for Programs/Services Task Force
Executive Trustees #2
All the responsibilities listed on page 1 under “Executive Board Members.”
Primary area of responsibility: Religious Education (Key Task #1b)
Board liaison for Religious Education (RE) Committee
Executive Trustees #3
All the responsibilities listed on page 1 under “Executive Board Members.”
Primary area of responsibility #1: Quality of our Fellowship Community (Internal Relationships)(Key Task #1c)
Board liaison for Ministry Task Force (to be created spring 2007)
Board liaison for Caring and Sharing Committee, Support Group
Board liaison with individual volunteers who handle internal communications (Quest newsletter; bulletin board) and non-fundraising social events.
Primary area of responsibility #2: Social Action (External Relationships) (Key Task #1d)
Board liaison for Social Action Committee
Board liaison for Green Sanctuary Committee
Board liaison with individual volunteers who handle social action initiatives (e.g. Manna House, SCIHN, etc.)